“AND” LLC was established in 2014 and operates in Ishkhanasar community of Syunik region, at an altitude of about 2,000 meters above sea level. The company is engaged in orcharding, beekeeping and large-scale processing of its own products. Our company started its orcharding activities on an area of about 6, 5 hectares by establishing modern intensive apple and pear orchards. The orchards are fully equipped with anti-hail nets and drip irrigation systems. We annually expand the area of our orchards as well as the number of our trees. Currently, around 22,000 apple and pear trees are under harvest. The seedlings were imported from leading European nurseries. There is also a small, experimental nursery in the apple orchard that ensures the reproduction of our orchard. For the competent management of our agricultural activities we cooperate with various European, German, Dutch and Italian agricultural farms. Our German agricultural consultant visits the orchard at least once a year to discuss the ongoing management operations of our orchard as well as its further development and expansion. Currently, all agricultural products are sold in the local market or processed and sold both in local and foreign markets.
Our company started beekeeping before orcharding. In 2014 we already had a small amount of our own honey. In the field of beekeeping as well, we cooperate with the best European companies in terms of purchasing equipment and containers, as well as getting consultations and implementing the best practices in beekeeping in Europe. We actively cooperate especially with Danish companies that have achieved maximum results in the field of beekeeping. Since 2016, we have been offering our consumers certified organic honey. In 2020, our company was certified by the French “Ecocert” company, as a result of which our bee products are marked EC for European markets and NOP for American markets. A wide range of organic honey, organic creamed honey and classic honey is produced and served to the consumer in different packaging sizes.
Our company has begun to deal with the production of vinegar, setting itself the task of processing our orcharding non-commercial products, thus reducing the company’s losses. The creation of vinegar production also aims to increase the range of products offered by the company. Rightly, today we have a powerful assortment of Armenian vinegar, which has taken a decent place in our export markets with its quality features and unique taste. All vinegar making equipment is of Austrian production and is made of stainless steel.
As a result of processing our own orcharding products, apples, we also get freshly squeezed apple juice with fruit, which we present to our customers in 2, 0 and 3, 0 liter boxes. Only renewable energy is used in the entire juice production process. It is made exclusively from fresh apples, no sugar is used during production, no water is added, and no food additives are used.
By expanding our fruit processing operations we have also created perhaps the best fruit vodka in Armenia. In the entire production process, from the selection of raw materials to the bottling of the finished product, all prescribed regulations are scrupulously observed. The company has all the necessary equipment to produce the best products; the use of sugar is completely absent.